In Madisoncartr’s blog post, they raise concerns of barriers students may run into and offer subsequent solutions as to what adjustments can be made in order to remove those barriers in a “Case Study Analysis” activity. One barrier that was raised included the learner not having the knowledge or familiarity with ethical frameworks to analyze the case studies. Personally, I related to this point since ChatGPD is something I was almost completely unfamiliar with. However, through the support of my peers within our pod group and in the creation of this learning resource I feel I am becoming increasingly familiar with AI and see the value and benefit to comprehending and executing this activity.
The solutions that Madisoncartr outlined are considerate, in depth, and set the learner up for success within the execution of the activity. By providing various materials, students are able to find which materials are best suited for their own learning and thrive within the activity and subsequent modules. The additional point of providing case studies for students to choose from both engages students in areas of their own interest and makes the process more streamlined. However, I would make sure to open this up to students by making it clear that if they find a case study that they are interested in focusing on, that they can pursue that direction.
The last few points of scaffolding, establishing an inclusive classroom culture, and providing ongoing instructor support are key elements to the success of any learner’s journey and I am thankful that Madisoncartr applied them in such a manner that they are directly applicable and applicable to our learning resource.
This is a fantastic blog post! Thank you for sharing Madisoncartr!